If you are dealing with a catastrophic injury as a victim or a family member, this article might guide you through the appropriate legal strategy and locate a catastrophic injury lawyer Napa.

What are catastrophic injuries? As the name indicates, it causes long-term impairment, symptoms, and poor quality of life for the victim and their family.

Compensation For Catastrophic Injuries

There are severe financial repercussions when a plaintiff’s catastrophic injuries are caused by another person’s careless, reckless, or malicious actions.

The plaintiff may feel forced to sue as their entire life and their family’s well-being is contingent on obtaining compensation from the responsible party. As a plaintiff, you must take great care in selecting an attorney. Catastrophic injury lawyers Napa ensure that victims are fairly represented in court and get fair treatment and compensation for their injuries.

Damages For Catastrophic Injuries

A catastrophic injury is distinguished by its severity and permanency.

Catastrophic injuries may limit a person’s capacity to do basic or complex tasks. These injuries often leave people with lifelong physical disabilities, causing them to abandon their employment or depend on others for care.

Catastrophic injuries come into three categories:

  • Permanent limits from amputations or limb loss.
  • TBIs and other cognitive impairments impact a person’s mental state.
  • Spinal cord injuries permanently impair a person’s movement.

Common catastrophic injuries include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries 
  • Severe burns 
  • Loss of vision or loss of hearing
  • Spinal cord injuries consider

Consider whether an injury:

  • Permanently unemployed
  • Alters your personality
  • Permanent pain
  • Reduces your mobility or independence

Then it’s likely a catastrophic injury.

Catastrophic Injury Lawyer Verdict And Agreement

catastrophic injury lawyer napa

Pain and suffering are elements in catastrophic injury settlements. The most essential factor is how many local juries are awarded in comparable situations. 

The verdict and agreement catastrophic injury lawyer wants to know how a jury will react to the witnesses at trial. Juries usually sympathize with accident victims but may also put themselves in the driver’s shoes. A competent lawyer may consider these intangible considerations when anticipating a jury’s damages verdict.

Catastrophic injuries tend to result in significant damage awards; thus, insurance companies prefer to settle claims than risk a more significant verdict. Settlements enable victims to go ahead knowing how much compensation they will get.

Why Choose Us?

Our catastrophic injury lawyers Napa at Shea & Shea, have extensive expertise in dealing with clients with the most traumatic injuries. Our attorneys comprehend the severity and diversity of each injury situation and will assist victims in understanding their legal options. Shea&Shea has handled claims against businesses, drivers, manufacturers, and others liable for horrific injuries.

Catastrophic injury lawyers Napa at Shea & Shea ensure that clients are fairly represented in court and get adequate medical care and financial compensation for their injuries.

Call Our Shea & Shea Napa Catastrophic Injury Lawyer Today!

Here at Shea & Shea, our catastrophic injury lawyer Napa helps people and families impacted by devastating injuries.

Schedule a consultation with one of our catastrophic injury lawyers Napa now and get a free quotation from us! Contact us using our simple online form or give us a call and let our legal experts help you, a family member, or a friend.

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Santa Rosa | Fremont | Napa | Oakland | San Diego | Santa Clara | San Francisco | San Jose | Sunnyvale

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San Jose, CA 95128

P.: 408-292-2434
Fax: 408-292-1264
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